Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the “pits”

Over the course of my life, several friends have always told me that I need to have a blog and write about all the crazy sh*t that happens to me. Trust me, there are some pretty epic stories. To be honest, I’ve thought about it from time to time but didn’t really have something that moved me enough until now.   

The original idea for my blog was to recap a story (or ten) from my day, where literally the most awkward, unusual, hilarious, uncomfortable, insane, out of this world sh*t...you get my drift…would just simply happen to me! While they typically weren’t pleasant in the moment, they certainly made for great laugh-your-ass-off stories and conversation starters after the fact! 

Even though the new direction of my blog has taken a bit of a twist of fate, I hope to still keep it light-hearted but also real. Don’t worry; I’ll still throw in some of my crazy stories.

Now you’re like, “Okay Kelly, enough of the boring background -- spill it! Get to the point. What’s this new direction you speak of?”

So here it goes…

I woke up on Monday, July 23rd and started my normal get ready for work routine, little did I realize that was a day I would never forget for the rest of my life. I hopped in the shower and went to shave my “pits,” when my wrist grazed against a rather obvious lump on my right breast. 

At that moment, my stomach dropped. I was pretty freaked out. What is this thing that seemed like it popped up over night? I managed to finish shaving but as soon as I got out of the shower, I called my GYN. I wasn’t going to mess around with this, especially because I didn’t have a good gut feeling. I explained that I found a lump and was there any way I could be seen that day. After some fight, I was luckily able to get in the next afternoon.  

Fast forwarding through the next two weeks:
  • Saw my GYN who referred me for an ultrasound
  • Flew down to Texas to celebrate Grandma’s 75th birthday; she’s battling lung cancer
  • Called to make ultrasound appointment and wasn’t going to be seen until late October…absurd! I fought back and got the next emergency appointment a week later
  • Flew back home
  • Had the ultrasound that confirmed it was a solid mass and required a biopsy to tell if it’s benign (not cancerous) or cancer
  • The first biopsy appointment wasn’t for weeks out, so I fought for an emergency appointment and got in two days later
  • Had an ultrasound core needle biopsy - funny story about that, I'll get to that another time
  • 5 days later, on August 8th, I was called with my biopsy results 
This was the phone call that no one wants to get. You’ve probably guessed it by now…but I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

That was August 8th and it’s now September 18th, needless to say a lot has transpired since then. That’s what I’ll unfold here in posts to come. 

So, as you can see my new direction for this blog is about my breast cancer journey, along with some of my promised crazy sh*t stories. 

The title of the blog was inspired by many of things but primarily because it’s just really uncomfortable to wear a bra right now!  Here I am, literally, “lettin’ it all hang out.”

Busting out of here for now,


  1. So proud of you for starting the blog. Love you, Kelly.

  2. Love you Kelly, I'm here for you. Ramzi.

  3. Love you and praying for you Kelly.<3 Here for you always


  4. There are no words to aptly describe how amazing of a person you are.
    We miss you immensely and are beside you every step of the way.


  5. This is great Kelly, thank you for sharing. I think I have some stories I can add involving you, me, and family weddings/gatherings ;). I'm looking forward to reading this.

    I love you and am here for you.


  6. I can't express how much I've missed talking to you everyday! You are such a strong and incredible person! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I look forward to your updates!


  7. And you always said you weren't a funny writer. LIES.
    You are obviously awesome beyond the scope of human comprehension.
    We miss you buddy and we're all here for you.

  8. Great bloggin'! Thinking you lots here from Texas!
    If there is one thing I do know it is ...you have Glenn and Bugden blood so.......Cancer doesn't have a chance. You are on the path to kick some ass!

    Fight the good fight! Love, Judy

  9. Hello Sweetness!!! I'm sure its difficult to not think of the worst, but I'm here to tell you that the God we serve is a magnificent God and he we will comfort you during this process. If I pray hard enough, he can also heal your body of all those ugly cancer cells, so with that said, that's what I will be doing -- PRAYING!!!! You are such a wonderful person with an amazing spirit of pure kindness. For you to take this opportunity and share with others your plight is nothing but pure Good! Let me know what I can do in any way. Love Ya!!!

  10. I admire your strength and courage Kelly. You're a fighter and you'll beat this. We're all here for you. Thoughts and prayers and tons of love coming your way.

  11. Love you so much!!! You're going to get through this even stronger than you were before!! <3

  12. We love you Kelly! We are praying for you every day! Jenny, Todd and Ella

  13. Kelly, I'm am beyond proud of you for getting into those appointments when you did....you are indeed a fighter and I am here to support you all the way sister. My mother battled breast cancer and won as I know in my heart you will to. Love you and know I am thinking of you everyday.

  14. As Lance Armstrong said, "You have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell." We know your choice and are here to help in your fight every second of the journey. D&T

  15. Kelly, this blog is so impressive. From your witty writing to your positive outlook toward a difficult situation, you should be so proud of yourself for being so strong and brave and sharing your voice!

    Here for you & love you!

  16. Kelly lamb,

    (Now the world knows I call you that!) I am so glad that you fought to be seen quickly, and super proud of you that you didn’t procrastinate. I’ll be here every step of the way to support you. Also looking forward to reading your posts – I didn’t know you were such a good writer!


  17. I'm so proud of how you've already taken control of your situation as best you can, and handling a raw deal with grace and conviction. Please know you are loved, missed and being prayed for every day. Keep fighting the good fight, and if you ever need a shoulder or ear to bend, you know where to find me.

    Jim Mc

  18. Stay strong Kelly - we are all pulling for you and so proud of your for your courage to tackle this and put yourself out there to inspire others.

  19. All the best wishes for you! Keep fighting, because I know very well how strong you’re. Keep fighting, because we have too much confidence you will pass this moment quickly and be back soon. Keep fighting, because we miss your smile and happiness here. Keep fighting, because in few month this will be just a bad memory. Keep fighting, because you have an army of friends and family supporting you. Keep fighting, because that is what you’re… a great fighter! We’re very proud of you, and your blog ;)

  20. Kelly, like I told you before you are surrounded by people who love you and we will help you get through this any way we can! We are here for you and on those days that you don't feel strong, remember we are here to back you up and help be your strength. Love you, Kiddo!

  21. Kelly, I'm definitely wishing you all the best. Thinking of you and if there is anything I can do, please let me know.

  22. Kelly Bugden! I always love using your full name:) Thank you so much for showing and sharing with me and everyone how much courage and strength we can all have. Reading through your battle so far I am just in awe of you, but as you know, I've often been in awe of your relentless spirit to achieve your dreams. So since I know you have put your mind to beating breast cancer, I have no doubt you will conquer this too. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let me know if you need anything, be it big or small, or if I can help you through this journey in any way. And please know that I'm a little jealous that you're letting it all hang out... I'm feeling slightly confined today :)
    All the best and see you soon! We'll miss your smiling face in the office until you get back!

  23. Bugs- love ya and am always hear for you! Stay strong, my friend!

    1. I really can spell. I'm "here" for you...now your friends think I'm stupid. I'm not...I swear!

  24. Hi kelly, you are so graceful, determined, and strong. These attributes you hold makes you incredibly resilient. We love you and we are here for you.

    Here’s one of my many favorite quotes that may be helpful.

    “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But i’ve bought a bat. I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
    ~Dr. Suess

    Tamiko & Luke

  25. Hey Kelly-

    Just dropping a line to let you know I'm thinking of you and that we all miss you at the office. Totally rooting for you and putting this gif here to remind you, all you have to do is stay with the wagon. Even when it's out of control.

    -Zahra Winston

  26. Hey Kells!

    You're simply fantastic. I'm in awe of your courage and strength. If I could muster up a quarter of those qualities you possess, I'd be one happy man. :)

    Thinking of you..

  27. Oh yes, one more thing. Thanks to the name of this blog (awesome as it is), I can't get Tom Petty's Free Fallin' out of my head.

    Naturally I'm replacing the word Fallin' with Boobin'..


  28. Hey you. Your a fantastic person, and this blog re-enforces how amazing you are... My thoughts are with you...


  29. Hi Kelly - I'm sending you lots of love and positive energy. You have a heart of gold and amazing strength. I'll be thinking about you.

    Joanna <3

  30. Hi Kelly. Just know that when I pray with my daughter at night we will be raising you up. I know you'll pull through this.


  31. Ok I don't need to know what the doctor said, it's irrelevant to the power of prayer and more importantly you are a true SOLDIER!!! You are going to win this and move forward with nothing but a memory behind you. There is a solution for everything, I faithfully believe that. Love you Kelly!!!!


  32. I've missed talking to you everydaynature



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