Tuesday, December 25, 2012

“it's a wonderful life”

While this year certainly hasn’t unfolded the way I thought it would, I’ve learned that that’s the way life works. Sometimes, we are set on a path that we might not understand, but undoubtedly, there is a reason for it. Along the way, there will be bumps and rough patches. We may even ask ourselves – Why this route? What’s my purpose? All of which are natural thoughts and explorations. Throughout our journey, we should listen closely to life’s lessons, as they whisper quietly to us. Open yourself and let the great teachings forever change you.

Since the end of July (when I found my lump), life has taken me down a different road, one that I could have never predicted. Some may say that this is my ‘rock bottom.’ I, however, choose to look at it differently. After all, much of how you see life is all about perspective. The great thing is, you have the power to change your viewpoint. I see my cancer as a blessing. When you hear that, you might think I’m crazy. It’s a rational thought, as who would typically see cancer as a good thing, much less a blessing?

After I was diagnosed, I was forever changed…for the better. I started seeing life more clearly. All of the sudden I saw just how precious life is and how I took it for granted. I was awakened. From there, I opened myself and life’s lessons started flooding in. I’m sad that it took an illness for me to see this but I’m grateful it showed me the light. There is much that I have learned along the way, which I plan to share in posts to come. However, being that it’s Christmas, I felt it was especially important to take time to reflect on life’s blessings and give thanks.

I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by so much love and support, especially during this time in my life. All the warm thoughts and prayers have kept me strong, hopeful and positive, as I fight my battle. The angels both in heaven and on earth continue to bless and look after me. I’ll never be able to put into words just how thankful I am but as I go forward in life, I hope to show my appreciation by giving back and enjoying every minute of what life has to offer.

This holiday season, I ask you to stop for a minute and look around. What do you see? A bird flying by? A loved one making hot chocolate? Food at your table? A roof over your head? Whatever it may be, enjoy the blessings that life has brought you and be grateful for them. Most of all be thankful for life, for it is wonderful!

Wishing all of you a very happy & healthy holiday season!

P.S. A tradition in my family is watching the movie, Love Actually, during the holiday season. It is not only one of my favorite movies but it is also a great reminder that “…love actually is all around.”


  1. I need to THANK YOU for putting me "in check" and putting things into perspective. As I was panicked over the holiday cooking etc., I stopped for a moment and did look around. What I saw was my grown children actually playing and laughing just like they did so many years ago on Christmas. I saw my sister smiling and dancing to the Charlie Brown Christmas Show, I saw my husband look into my eyes wondering what it was that I was seeing. I saw a very close friend who is like a brother who is a workaholic actually relaxing . What I saw was beautiful! The panicked feeling that so many of us experience during the holiday season seemed pointless. So I walked away from the kitchen and embraced the true meaning of why we have these "get together "celebrations whether it be Christmas or a random bar b q. I know know that if I burn the food or if I'm not the best hostess in the family or if I can't decide what to wear........that these are minor "crises" that I seemed to always feel the need to perfect. What I want to perfect now is to continue to stop, look around and be thankful for the sunshine, rainy days, the sound of laughter, the sound of silence, all the colors of a rainbow and all the ones not. The hugs from my children, catch up time with my family that I have been without for way to long, rubbing my mothers feet , getting advice from my oldest sister, learning all I can about my neice and 2 nephews and the past 20+ years we have been apart. Don't get me wrong, I realize life isn't always rainbows, but all in all.....it is a wonderful life if we allow it to be.

    So, again......thank you Kelly for seeing the bright side of things and sharing with me that even the darkest of times can only become bright!

    Have a blessed 2013.

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