Thursday, October 25, 2012

“say yes to a cure”

As many of you know, I proudly work for TLC, one of the networks part of Discovery Communications. Earlier this month, Discovery’s LifeWorks & Inclusion team hosted their annual Wellness Expo, an onsite internal event for employees to visit with local vendors and to not only learn about well-being but celebrate it. This year’s focus was breast cancer awareness and the event was appropriately themed “Say Yes to a Cure,” after TLC’s well-known and hit franchise, Say Yes to the Dress.

Luckily, both my mom and I were able to attend the tastefully executed event. I loved seeing Discovery’s halls perfectly adorned with pink! While the theme of the expo hit very close to home, I know I speak for both my mom and myself when I say it was truly an amazing day that we’ll never forget.

Part of that memorable day featured a special appearance by one of TLC’s most beautiful and beloved talent, Lori Allen, of Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta. Unfortunately, earlier this year, Lori was faced with a breast cancer diagnosis herself. A true warrior and inspiration to all, Lori graciously allowed cameras to document her journey. During the expo, Discovery employees were given the opportunity to screen her story, Say Yes to the Cure: Lori’s Fight, which airs tomorrow, Friday, October 26 @ 10|9c on TLC.

As usual, Lori shines in this touching and tear jerking special. I encourage you all to tune-in, as it not only showcases a very lovely woman but also a disease that affects so many of our loved ones. 

Photo Credit: Jess Molina
Set your reminders and grab your tissues, you don’t want to miss Say Yes to the Cure: Lori’s Fight, tomorrow, Friday, October 26 @ 10|9c on TLC.

Check out this sneak peek and show your support during the show with #LorisFight.

Sending all my love and sincere thanks to Lori Allen, TLC and my entire Discovery Family.

Say Yes to a Cure!

P.S. This week’s song selection is for DL. I will never forget that concert earlier this summer. Thank you for being a constant soldier by my side. Happy Early Birthday, Love! xoxo

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