Sunday, October 7, 2012

a note from mom's pink sharpie

Kelly and I share quite a bit as mother and daughter. Our first names begin and end with the same letters (coincidence, I think not)! We both love pretty stationery and writing notes with a sharpie (hence the name of this column). Thus, it is so nice of Kelly to share some space on her blog for me to write some thoughts of my own. First and foremost, thank you Kelly, I love you so very, very much! Secondly, thank you to all those supporting Kelly and our family along a journey that has many curves and potholes in the road. For lack of a better analogy right this moment, we feel surrounded by a bunch of airbags, inflating just in time to soften the impact. As cathartic as this blog will be for Kelly, we all look forward to seeing the comments, funny stories, YouTube videos, or even personal life moments each and everyone one of you care to post on this blog. Just remember: 

 To stay positive, think positive, act positive, and believe positive.”   -Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Here’s a tidbit of advice we’ve learned so far: Get your personal health history together while you’re healthy! You cannot believe how difficult it is to see the “sick” history of the generations that have come before. It doesn’t quite inspire hope at a time when you need it the most. So get in touch with that long lost relative, or make it a family project to gather those health histories, you never know what you might uncover. Check out this website to get started:                                     



  1. Love you two!

    Check this one out:

  2. Great video, Nick! Reminded me of the Jack Johnson concert Kelly took me to in L.A.! I hope everyone takes a look at it and then takes the cue to put their hands up in the air at their next concert or when they hear a great song in the car. ENJOY THE MOMENT!

  3. This is a nice resource, thanks Kimberly!

  4. Preparation will help you to enjoy your next camping trip no matter the destination. This article will help prepare you for a camping trip of a lifetime, and inspire you with some great activities. The information is surely something you will appreciate in the end. | | | | |



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